
Wrist Tendonitis

There are many tendons surrounding the wrist joint, and constant use means they are all at risk for causing wrist pain.  Wrist tendonitis is the swelling of a tendon sheath thus causing irritation in the tendon, but sometimes there can be more than one tendon involved if the swelling occurs where they cross paths.  This can make movement difficult as well as painful.  Doing wrist tendonitis exercises can help as well.

Wrist Tendonitis Causes

Wrist tendonitis is a common condition that many people have experienced. It is most commonly characterized by an irritation or inflammation of the tendons that surround the joint of the wrist. There are many tendons in that area, which connect to the fingers. Often, the tendonitis is caused in an area of the wrist where the tendons cross paths, or even where they cross over a bony portion of the wrist. Some common wrist tendonitis causes include:

  • Repetitive motions of the wrists and/or fingers, such as typing or playing a musical instrument
  • Repeatedly and regularly using vibrating equipment or tools, such as electrical saws, sewing machines, jack hammers, etc
  • Participating in sports such as baseball, bowling, golf, or tennis

Understanding what wrist tendonitis causes there are will help you to be able to prevent the condition, or at least to treat it, should you suspect that you already suffer from it. In addition, not understanding that you have the condition could lead to more serious injuries of the wrist and hands, leaving you with much more to deal with.


Wrist Tendonitis Symptoms

Wrist tendonitis symptoms occur because the wrist is where the tendons attach to the bone, leaving the area prone to tendon injuries.  Some common wrist tendonitis symptoms include:

  • A dull, slowly progressing pain in the wrist and surrounding area, such as the forearm and hand.
  • Tenderness on and around the wrist, even when immobile.
  • Possible mild swelling and inflammation.

In rare situations, you may feel excruciating pain when a tendon has ruptured, which signifies the absolute necessity of seeing a doctor for your wrist tendonitis symptoms.



Wrist Tendonitis Treatment

Seeking proper wrist tendonitis treatment will help you to keep your wrists in the best condition.  Whether you know what caused your tendonitis, or if the cause is still up in the air, there are some things you can do in order to provide yourself with the best in wrist tendonitis treatment and prevention.  The following are some short- and long-term solutions for wrist tendonitis treatment:

Immediate Relief


  • Cho-Pat® Wrist Support – The Cho-Pat Wrist Support offers targeted support that relieves the stress and pain of the condition.  You can wear the wrist support while you participate in sports, type on the computer, or rest.  The compression of the strap lessens the impact that these activities might have on the wrist.
  • Pain Relievers – Your healthcare professional may recommend that you take pain relievers until you find a more permanent or long-term solution for your wrist tendonitis.
  • Ice – Icing the area a few times each day will reduce the swelling, decrease the pain, and eliminate spasms.

Long Term Healing

  • Surgery – Depending on the diagnosis of your medical professional and on the severity of the injury, you may need to seek out a surgical option to relieve the pain permanently.
  • Physical Therapy – A non-surgical option for wrist tendonitis is physical therapy.  With a program designed to target the wrist, you can gain strength and lessen inflammation of the tendons in the wrist.

How to Prevent Wrist Tendonitis

Wrist tendonitis prevention is as easy as spending a few extra minutes a day thinking about the health of your wrists.  Some of the following methods might help to keep your wrists free from tendonitis:

  • Relax - If you find yourself doing too many strenuous activities on a regular basis, be sure to include plenty of relaxing time for your wrists.  If you notice redness or swelling around the wrists, just stop doing what you are doing, ice the area, and take a small break.
  • Improve - Sometimes wrist tendonitis prevention includes perfecting a technique.  For example, if you type a lot, be sure you are using proper form for your wrists.  If you play a musical instrument, hold it in the proper position.
  • Stretch - Stretch before you participate in activities that put stress or pressure on your wrists.  Doing so will prevent injuries from happening.