Introducing ProStretch® Z

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what we do

products that keep people moving

At Medi-Dyne, we are committed to providing pain relief products designed to help treat a wide range of issues, like calf pain, lower back pain, plantar fasciitis and many more.

ProStretch Z Stretching and Strengthening Tool


ProStretch® Z

Your Stretching and Strengthening Companion

The ProStretch Z is a revolutionary tool designed to optimize the stretching and strengthening of your lower back, hips, and pelvis to deliver unparalleled relief to your hips, sciatica, piriformis, glutes, and lower back tightness.

I had my doubts, but this product has done wonders for me. I would endorse this product any day of the week.

Colin - Verified by Shop

lady maasaging leg with pro roller in the forest

Knowledge is Power

For Injury Prevention and pain Treatment

At Medi-Dyne, we offer a variety of products for relieving body pain. In addition to our products, we provide information on injury prevention techniques, pain treatments, and pain relief options for issues related to the back, legs, arms, and feet. Our Pain Solution Center and blog are filled with resources to help you explore new ways to help you keep moving.

Learn more

Visit our

Pain Solution Center

Explore our Pain Solution Center for valuable insights on how to relieve pain and enhance the resilience of your body's interconnected chain.

Prostretch Z Strengthening and Stretching Tool
Recovery & Injury Prevention

Unlock Relief and Flexibility with the ProStretch Z

Discover the ProStretch Z—your ultimate tool for relieving tight hips, sciatica, and back pain while improving strength, flexibility, and mobility.
ProStretch Z stretching tool for hip pain and sciatica
Medi-Dyne News

Introducing ProStretch® Z™

Medi-Dyne announce the launch of the ProStretch® Z™, a cutting-edge tool designed to transform the way individuals stretch and strengthen their lower back, hips, and pelvis.
man getting in the pool for low impact exercises
Foot Care

Low-Impact Exercise Ideas To Stay Active with Plantar Fasciitis

This guide will explore a range of low-impact exercises tailored to those suffering from plantar fasciitis...