ProStretch Z Stretching Tool

The ProStretch Z is a revolutionary tool designed to optimize the stretching and strengthening of your lower back and pelvis to deliver unparalleled relief to your hips, sciatica, piriformis, glutes, and lower back.

ProStretch Z integrates an innovative design with comfort to provide the maximum leverage needed for a premium stretching and strengthening experience, making it perfect for improving flexibility, strengthening, countering imbalances and relieving discomfort associated with lower back tightness, Sciatica, Piriformis Syndrome and tight hip rotator muscles.


Table of Contents:



Set-Up Your ProStretch Z


  1. Place the two pieces to be connected next to each other, ensuring the holes for the spring button line up.
  2. Push the spring button on the first piece inward.
  3. Let go of the button to lock the pieces together.

*Prior to use, we strongly encourage you to consult your physical therapist or doctor for proper use and guidance of your condition.

The information provided is not intended to prevent, diagnose, or treat any medical condition or disease. Never stretch to the point of pain. If you experience any pain, discomfort, dizziness, or difficulty with any exercise depicted or while otherwise using ProStretch Z, please discontinue use and consult your physician. Engaging in any exercise program involves risk of injury.


Strengthening Exercise for Pelvic Alignment / Lower Back Pain Relief

For Pelvic Alignment and Symptom Relief

ProStretch Z helps realign the pelvis by engaging the muscles around the pelvis and lower back. The ProStretch Z works by utilizing reciprocal contraction of the hip flexors and extensors, similar to the principles used in MET.

The device allows the patient to engage their own muscles, which promotes self-correction of pelvic alignment without the need for invasive or forceful manipulation. By strengthening the muscles responsible for pelvic stability, the ProStretch Z helps reduce the underlying causes of pelvic and SI joint dysfunction, including:

  • Low back pain: Correcting pelvic alignment reduces stress on the lumbar spine, alleviating pain.
  • Hip and sciatica pain: Restoring the balance of forces around the pelvis takes pressure off the sciatic nerve and hip joints.
  • Leg length discrepancy: The functional leg length discrepancy caused by pelvic malrotation can be corrected through consistent use of The ProStretch Z.

The ProStretch Z is particularly beneficial for patients who need ongoing reinforcement of proper pelvic mechanics. By incorporating this device into a rehabilitation program, patients can maintain pelvic alignment, prevent further misalignment, and enjoy long-term relief from their symptoms.


  1. Lay on the floor and position the bar on the (anterior) side of the thigh for one leg and on the back (posterior) side for the other leg.
  2. Push against the pads. When pushing against the pads simultaneously, you create an equal but opposite force that generates a contralateral force, helping to realign the pelvis into its neutral or "normal" position.
  3. Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds, then release and repeat as necessary.
  4. Repeat steps with the other leg.


Stretching Exercises

Stretching using leverage and isolation for better flexibility.

The following muscles groups and techniques can be used to achieve results on your own, in the comfort of your own home or gym using the ProStretch Z.


Stretch #1:

HIP - Internal Rotation, Flexion, Adduction

Stretch to help alleviate: Piriformis, Sciatica, Hip Impingement (Femoroacetabular impingement), Low back pain, Hip Bursitis, and IT band.


  1. Sit on a chair and cross your affected leg so that the ankle rests on top of the opposite thigh, forming a figure-four shape.
  2. Place the stretching tool under the affected leg’s knee and over the stationary leg’s thigh.
  3. Gently pull up on the handle near the affected leg’s knee to apply force and control the stretch. This setup allows for easy adjustment to deepen or lighten the stretch as needed.
  4. Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds, then release and repeat as necessary.


Stretch #2:

Hip Internal Rotation Stretch

Stretch help with: Piriformis syndrome, Hip Impingement (Femoroacetabular impingement), Labral Tears, Low back pain, Hip Osteoarthritis, Trochanteric Bursitis, Sacroiliac Joint dysfunction, and Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome.


  1. Begin seated on the ground or sitting in a chair, with one leg internally rotated (foot positioned to the side) and the other leg externally rotated.
  2. Place the stretching tool under the internally rotated leg and use its leverage to gently increase the degree of internal rotation.
  3. Hold the handles of the tool and apply controlled pressure to deepen the stretch, isolating the external rotators for a more effective stretch.
  4. Maintain an upright torso while using the tool to adjust the intensity as needed.


Stretch #3:

Hip External Rotation Stretch - Seated

Stretch to help allleviate: Piriformis, Hip Impingement (FAI), Hip Osteoarthritis, Pelvis Tilt, Lower Back Pain, Gluteal Tendinopathy.


  1. Sit in a chair and cross the affected leg over the opposite knee, forming a figure-four shape, with the ankle resting on the opposite thigh.
  2. Place the stretching tool over the top of the thigh and underneath the lower leg of the affected side. Hook one handle near your hip and the other near your foot.
  3. Push down on the handle near your hip while pulling up on the handle near your foot. This creates additional force to deepen the stretch without placing direct pressure on your knee.
  4. Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds, adjusting the force as needed to achieve a comfortable, effective stretch.
  5. For people under age 40 stretch for at least 60 seconds, while those over 40 should stretch for minimum of 4 minutes.


Stretch #4:

Hip Adductor Stretch

Stretch to help alleviate: IT Band Syndrome, Trochanteric Bursitis, Low Back Pain.


  1. Begin kneeling on one leg with the other leg up with knee flexed and foot flat on the ground.
  2. Place the stretching tool around the front of your thigh and behind your lower leg. Use the tool to gently increase leverage as you lean toward the side of the extended leg, bending that knee slightly.
  3. Pull on the tools handle closest to your hip in a posterior (backwards) direction to create more force and deepen the stretch in your adductor muscles, ensuring that your back remains straight throughout the movement.
  4. Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds, then switch sides.
  5. For people under age 40 stretch for at least 60 seconds, while those over 40 should stretch for minimum of 4 minutes.



Stretch #5:

Hip / TFL Stretch / Lower Back

Stretch to help alleviate: IT Band Syndrome, Hip Bursitis, Piriformis, Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, Low Back Pain.


  1. Begin by lying on your back with one leg extended on the ground and the other leg lifted across your body.
  2. Place the stretching tool under the straight leg and over the top of the stretching leg that is extended out to the side.
  3. Use the handles of the tool to increase the force applied to the stretch, comfortably adjusting the intensity as needed.
  4. Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds, ensuring your back and shoulders remain flat on the ground while you feel the stretch along your hip and outer thigh.
  5. For people under age 40 stretch for at least 60 seconds, while those over 40 should stretch for minimum of 4 minutes.


Stretching is an important component of overall body health and getting the most out of the time and effort invested in stretching will give you the best chances for feeling better, preventing injuries, and even performing better. Having the right techniques and tools maximize your efforts and your outcomes.



This product is sold “as is”without warranty on it’s performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The entire risk as to the results and performance of this product is assumed by you specifically by way of example but not limitation; in the event that you have a history of medical conditions, muscular disorders, deformities or are not in good health, you should consult with your physician before using this product.

However, to the original purchaser only, the manufacturer warrants the product to be free from defects in materials and faulty workmanship under normal use for one-year from the date of purchase. If the product becomes defective, during this one year period, it may be returned to the manufacturer for a replacement without charge with proof of purchase of the product.

The manufacturer makes no other warranties, expressed or implied, relating to the product, including any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, shall not be liable for indirect, social, or consequential damages resulting from the use of this product.