Bicep and Triceps pain often occurs and is centered around the tendons that connect the muscles to the elbow and the shoulder. Most often this pain is tendonitis but could also result in tears caused by repetitive motion, overuse or by a sudden strain on the muscle and tendon.
Any person can be afflicted with bicep/triceps muscle pain, but most of the people affected by it tend to be over the age of 40. This is because our tendons are less able to tolerate stress as we age. Tendons are less elastic, and it is easier to tear them.
Tendons attach the muscle to your bones, and they allow you to move your body parts. Sometimes, they become inflamed or irritated, and this leads to tenderness and pain near the joint. This condition can be the result of an injury, but in most cases, it is caused by repetitive motions.
As people perform repetitive motions in their jobs or their hobbies over several years, bicep/triceps tendonitis tends to develop. Tendonitis often occurs because people are performing repetitive actions improperly. Not performing movements properly can overload your tendons, and tendonitis is the result.
Age is another reason that tendonitis may develop. As you get older, your tendons become less flexible, so it is easier to injure them and develop tendonitis. Some jobs also lead to tendonitis, including those that require forceful exertion, vibration, reaching overhead frequently, awkward positions and repetitive motions. Some sports can cause tendonitis because of repetitive motions, and they include tennis, swimming, running, golf, bowling, basketball and baseball.
If you have an abnormal bone or joint, it may place stress on your soft structures, and this has been known to cause tendonitis. Reactions to medications, thyroid disorders, psoriatic arthritis, gout and rheumatoid arthritis can cause stresses that lead to tendonitis.
Many other things can cause tendonitis, and they include the following:
You may experience symptoms at the point where the tendon attaches to the bone, so it can appear anywhere in the body. It causes the following symptoms:
Tendinopathy occurs when the collagen in your tendons begins to break down. This condition causes pain, but it also reduces your range of motion and your flexibility.
The Difference between Tendinopathy and Tendonitis
Tendinopathy and tendonitis are similar conditions, but they are not the same. With tendinopathy, the collagen protein that makes up the tendons becomes degenerated, but tendonitis occurs when your tendons are inflamed. Experts believe that tendinopathy is a more common condition than tendonitis.
Tendonitis is short-term inflammation of the tendons, but tendinosis is the chronic version of this condition. When you enter the chronic stage of this illness, the normal tendon cells are being replaced by degenerative cells.
The biceps muscle is located on the front of the upper arm. Tendons connect the biceps muscle to the shoulder joint in two separate places. The proximal biceps tendons attach the biceps muscle to the forearm.
The triceps brachii is located on the back of the upper portion of the arm, and it allows you to extend your elbow joint. Like the biceps muscle, it is easy to injure the triceps muscle. Tendonitis can develop at the elbow because it is susceptible to overuse and repetitive motions.
We recommend the Cho-Pat Bicep/Triceps Strap for your bicep/triceps muscle pain. When you wear this strap, it will support the tendon in your biceps area. This strap even reduces the pain and relieves the inflammation by absorbing and dispersing the forces that cause it. It also absorbs and distributes the stress and stabilizes the tendons and the muscles.
Cho-Pat® Bicep/Triceps Strap
The Cho-Pat Bicep/Triceps Strap focuses on both the biceps and the triceps areas. By applying dynamic circumference pressure to the biceps muscle and the triceps muscle, the apparatus causes the stress to spread out.
It also diffuses the direct pull on these muscles so that you are less likely to develop bicipital and tricipital tendonitis. If you are experiencing bicep/triceps muscle pain right now due to bicipital or tricipital tendonitis, the strap will help relieve this discomfort as well.
You can prevent bicep/triceps tendonitis by stretching your muscles before you begin exercising. This is known as a “warm up.” It is also a good idea to perform exercises after your workout is over to “cool down.” It is advisable to warm up for five minutes before you exercise for 30 minutes. For example, if you are going to spend one hour on the treadmill, it is a good idea to warm up for 10 minutes.
You can prevent overuse of a joint by resting, but before you start, make sure that you are wearing the appropriate shoes. Plan not to exercise too hard in the beginning. It is best to gradually increase your intensity because increasing the intensity too quickly can cause you to experience overuse tendinopathy.
You can do several other things to prevent tendonitis, including the following:
PLEASE NOTE: The information on this website and article is for information only and should not be used as a substitute for consulting your doctor. Consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and rehabilitation