Tuli's HammerRx Toe Strap
Tuli's Toe Strap
pulling down strap
Tuli's HammerRx Toe Straightener
close up of material of the Tuli's HammerRX
cross strap of the Tuli's HammerRx
Tuli's HammerRX packaging
Tuli's Hammer Rx


Tuli's® Hammer Rx Toe Straightener™

Sale price$23.99
SKU: 10680
HSA/FSA Eligible

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The HammerRx toe straightener is a unique toe strap designed to pull the toe down, ensuring the toe extensors stay straight. This innovative design provides a natural feel with every step, setting it apart from other toe straighteners on the market.

HammerRx is not just effective, but also comfortable and versatile. It features a soft, thin, and flexible toe strap and sleeve that loop around the toe for comfortable support and alignment. Its stretchy material creates the tension needed for comfortable toe straightening while the secure closures keep the strap and toe in place. This design offers you the freedom to use it on any toe with a mild case, making it a versatile solution. 

  • Low-profile design
  • Adjustable and versatile toe strap
  • Flexible and soft cloth material for all-day comfort
  • Wear with most shoe styles, sandals, and barefoot
  • Use on any toe, ideal for mild cases
  • Latex free
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