Foot with a Cho-Pat Achilles Tendon Strap
Man adjusting the Cho-Pat Achilles Tendon Strap
Cho-Pat Achilles Tendon Strap
Sizing chart for the Cho-Pat Achilles Tendon Strap


Cho-Pat® Achilles Tendon Strap™

Sale price$21.99
Size:Small (Less than 10.5 in.)

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Developed in cooperation with the Mayo Clinic®

The Cho-Pat Achilles Tendon Strap provides the perfect combination of support and comfort. It applies adjustable pressure and consistent heel support to reduce Achilles tendon tightness. 

Targeted Adjustable Compression

  • Firm yet comfortable compression
  • Adjustable for maximum effectiveness

Consistent Support

  • Comfort straps provide the perfect fit
  • Stays in place
  • Range of sizes for best results