Designed By Doctors

Feel the "X" difference

Premier Foot Pain Treatment

For Plantar Fasciitis, Sever's Disease and Flat Feet

Tuli's The X Brace is an effective elastic foot support that is easy to use. Its design is simple yet provides excellent arch and heel support.

Made in the U.SA

Unique Design

Patented "X" Design

The patented foot support from Tuli's stands out with its unique "X" design, providing support and reducing arch and heel pressure.

Premier Support

Targeted Arch & Heel Support

Mimicks the effectiveness of Low-Dye taping, eases tension and stress placed on the plantar fascia keeping it from stretching excessively and causing significant pain. This design, similar to traditional taping, eliminates the need for expertise, time, and tape.

Provide immediate relief of pain and discomfort. Easy to use.

Verified Buyer - John H.

Tuli's X Brace
Tuli'sTuli's® The X Brace®
Sale price$31.99