2Toms® StinkFree® – got the stink out of a rancid lacrosse bag!
Lacrosse bags stink.
After both a full high school season and a sunbaked summer season the smell is absolutely revolting.
I’ve asked around and have been told that hockey bags, baseball bags, soccer bags – most equipment bags can emanate a distinctively disgusting smell. And while most of us have “tried everything” nothing really works.
They just stink from the sweat. Players throw their stuff in and leave it there so that millions of living organisms (sweat bacteria) can multiply, grow, even party. Based on the stuff I’ve found in my son’s lacrosse bag and the way it smells — it’s been one heck of a party!
I’ve talked to dozens of moms. We’ve tried Febreze, Lysol, regular detergent and bleach but it mostly it masks the odor and doesn’t really get rid of it. We end up with a perfume-enhanced smelly bag, which is actually worse.
The last straw came a few weeks ago on a crowded rental car bus. In a standing-room-only situation, my son lifted the bag over his back, holding it at my nose level. I was able to fight the initial gag reflex but the 10 minute ride caused me to retreat into my shirt breathing through the fabric, hoping to make it out alive. I wanted to apologize to every person on the bus instead I snuck out the back like a coward; distancing myself from my son and the bag.
My initial plan was to throw the bag away when we got home and start fresh but at $70 – $150 a bag that’s just not the option.
Someone suggested 2Toms StinkFree detergent. For $15 trying it seemed a lot better than the alternative. I used a couple of capfuls (admittedly, I didn’t measure. I just poured some into the detergent container in the washer) and put it on the “soak” cycle with warm water.
The result: Nothing short of a miracle.
Seriously! That’s why I wrote this. The bag smelled so…well, it didn’t smell at all! No flowery smell, go glove or pad smell, no shoe smell. Even my son couldn’t believe it. He walked around the house to every family member doing his own version of the “smell my bag” challenge. He didn’t have any takers but he clearly got his point across.
This last trip he traveled with the StinkFree Spray. Can’t wait to see how that worked when he gets home!
Theresa V.
Lacrosse, soccer, tennis and cross-country mom

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